There’s a fine [barely there, almost invisible] line isn’t there?
We don’t consciously seek out to be informed most of the time anymore – it’s just there. on our screens. 24/7. And our need to satisfy the attention our brain is desperately seeking has caused it to become a habit – something we do unconsciously*.
*[think: breathing, eating, driving]
If you have a “free” moment – whether you’re a few minutes early for a coffee date, or waiting in line at the store, in an elevator, or waiting for the bus, do you instinctively pick up your phone for a quick update + scroll session?
Most of us do – and my guess is it’s automatic (not to mention constant). And it’s for this reason that we have unintentionally moved away from informed to completely inundated. It may not be something you necessarily recognize in the moment, but over time, we can slowly start to see a change in our overall outlook. Oftentimes it can lead to feelings of hopelessness, overwhelm, fear, and loss of control.
You may be thinking “OK, but I’m not reading every negative article I see, or engaging in the unproductive comment-war. I scroll pass all the BS – I just like to be informed“. And there’s nothing wrong with that! But there is such thing as time + place and too much. Not just in the information we selectively consume, but even in the scrolling and gazing of headlines, insensitive + ignorant banter, or doom + gloom talk that is mixed in. We are still ABSORBING everything, even when we think we’re not. This is especially harmful if we’re feeling sensitive, out of alignment, and generally down.
The idea is to become aware of how you feel before, throughout, and after the ‘scroll’. If you haven’t checked in with yourself and you hop online feeling uneasy, this is where helpful can quickly turn into harmful.
📵 Practice screen-free time. Taking a ‘digital detox’ is vital for balance.
📵 Recognize your limit. As soon as you start to feel negative emotion, shut it off! The point is to not allow your negative thoughts to gain momentum. Once it does, it’s harder to get back to zen.
📵 Check in with yourself BEFORE you check in online. If feeling fearful or overwhelmed, that is not the time to scroll your social feeds or news headlines #prevention
📵 Turn off or adjust your notification settings. You don’t need to know the second every person you’ve ever encountered liked, commented, or shared something.
📵 Unfollow or block negative people. You have a choice on what type of information you want to receive and what was once funny or popular may not align with your views or desires anymore, so curate your feed to suit a more positive message + outlook.
Being informed is good, but not when it disrupts your peace. Remember, you are in control.
The more checked in we are to the outer world, the more checked out we are to our inner world.
The more connected we are externally, the more disconnected we are internally.
Changing a habit is always hard, and it requires so much practice, but deciding to feel good, and deliberately choosing thoughts and activities that keep the good feeling going is where it’s possible (and even easy) to succeed.
I’ve personally had to break away for some ‘screen-free’ time. I know the moment I’ve stayed on social for too long, spent way too much time reading comments and opposing ideas (not always civil either), and have been digitally detoxing some full days too. Holding on to my peace, maintaining balance, and staying positively zen is where I’m finding opportunity during times of contrast.
These are quick and easy methods that I’ve been using myself recently, and I have witnessed a significant impact on my vibration – it’s hella noticeable, and I hope you try it for yourself.
Let me know if you do in the comments below! 👇🏽